Having a track of approvals and reports containing approval history is vital to any business for various reasons. It is essential for audit trails, decision-making and to ensure that legitimate business processes are in place and are being adhered to.
The eBIS application is a tool that can be tailored to your organisation’s requirements by allowing for approval workflows to be built to meet your business processes, whether this be a requisition or new user request approval workflow! As part of this tool, it captures the approval history of an item as it makes its way through the approval process.
What does the eBIS history screen normally look like?
Typical feedback we have had around the standard eBIS history tab would be issues such as:
- Users don’t find this screen to be very user-friendly.
- It can be difficult to easily identify who approved each item at the specific stage and when it was sanctioned.
- It is difficult to get the approval history information out into reports.
These issues meant that we decided to find a way to help. Our expert team have used their knowledge and expertise of the application and we have produced our own Escone “Solution” with a new Approval History tab as shown below.
The Approval History tab can be built into any eBIS form to capture its unique approval workflow and display it in an easy-to-view way.
What are the benefits?
- Provides a clear audit trail which clearly shows who approved the item, the date the item was approved and the time it was approved at each approval stage in a user-friendly and easily accessible way.
- Gives users clear visibility of where the approval is within the workflow. This allows the individual who is enquiring to see where it is as it makes its way through the approval process.
- All the information within the tab can be reported on, this can allow better decision-making and clearer ways to present data.
- Approval history reports can be created and built to meet a client’s exact requirements.
- Allows companies to analyse the information e.g., the time it took an item to go through the approval process and act if required.
If you would like to find out more about our eBIS approval history tab, get in touch today and click here >> https://bit.ly/EsconeGetInTouch